Data Science


Data Science as a Services

Unlock Business Insights with Our Data Science Solutions

Harness the power of advanced analytics, including deep learning, without the need for in-house expertise. S.T.R.In.G has empowered businesses to seize growth and enhance processes through our tailored data science offerings.



Empower Your Business with Machine Learning & AI Solutions

Dive into the future by leveraging the capabilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence. At S.T.R.In.G, we've been enabling businesses since 1989 to thrive and innovate with our tailored AI and ML services.



Unlocking the Power of Image Analysis

Image Analysis (IA) dives deep into visuals, extracting vital attributes using advanced digital processing methods. This ensures impeccable accuracy in a cost-effective manner. With S.T.R.In.G's expertise, both tech-driven enterprises and non-IT businesses can leap ahead in the competition by harnessing our tailored IA software solutions.

Included in Our

Data Science Services

Analyzing Business Needs
  • Align your business goals with data science capabilities.
  • Identify shortcomings in your existing data science solutions, if applicable.
  • Define the actionable deliverables expected from data science.
  • Designing & Developing Machine Learning Models
  • Opt for the most effective data science techniques tailored to your needs.
  • Set performance evaluation criteria for upcoming ML models.
  • Engage in model development, training, testing, and seamless deployment.
  • Training & Ongoing Support
  • Comprehensive user and admin training.
  • Consultation support for data science applications.
  • Real-time troubleshooting and guidance.
  • Preparing Your Data
  • Select the most relevant data sources for your objectives.
  • Carry out data collection, transformation, and cleansing to ensure quality.
  • Tuning & Evaluating ML Models
  • Conduct comprehensive model evaluations for performance optimization.
  • Fine-tune models by adjusting key parameters for improved accuracy.
  • Deliverables & Output
  • Receive actionable data science insights through comprehensive reports and dashboards.
  • Opt for a custom ML-powered app for self-service analytics (optional).
  • Integrate ML models into existing applications for enhanced functionality (optional).

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    Unlocking Potential

    One Use Case at a Time

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    Boost process efficiency by identifying irregularities, root causes, and forecasting performance metrics.

    Fine-tune your supply chain with accurate demand forecasts, inventory recommendations, and risk assessments.

    Proactively spot inconsistencies in production processes affecting product quality.

    Monitor equipment to identify and report patterns signaling impending failures.

    Predict customer churn by analyzing behavior patterns and implementing retention strategies.

    Utilize lead scoring, predictive next-steps, and customer sentiment analysis to optimize sales processes.

    Project earnings, evaluate risks, and assess the creditworthiness of prospects for secure financial operations.

    Spot at-risk patients, tailor medical treatments, and anticipate symptom progression.

    Leverage behavior analysis and customer segmentation to design personalized services and recommendation engines.

    Use ML to recommend optimal routes, factoring in vehicle condition, real-time GPS, and other influencing data.

    Eliminate human error in tasks like visual inspections, facial recognition, and object counting by leveraging automated image analysis.